June 2012: Microcredit follow-up released

Money market in Dhaka1Finally: Our three new stories on the Microcredit-issue was published today.

At the NRK website, we have made both Norwegian and English versions.

I’ll just post the English ones here.

Here is the story, where Maren Duvendack and Ruth Stewart are talking about how the whole idea on eradication poverty with microcredit is “Build on foundations of sand…”

And here is the story on how the former CEO of Accion International, Maria Otero made a fortune before she became Hillary Clinton’s Under secretary of State

Here is the story with a Norwegian pro-microfinance researcher who says that Yunus should never have had the Nobel Peace Prize. He should have had it in “innovative banking”.

Finally, you can go to this site to read much more on our story.

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