The Bitter Taste of Tea get’s special mention prize in Rome

The Bitter Taste of Tea has won a n special mention prize in the category awarded by Bioversity International at the 7th edition of International Audiovisual Festival of Biodiversity that was hold in Rome from 20 to 23 May 2010. Congratulations!

The jury of the 7th International Audiovisual Festival of Biodiversity was composed by:
Andrea D’Ambrosio (film director and president of the jury)
Giancarla Del Mese (film director)
Davide Marengo; (film director)
Michele Bozzano (representative of Bioverstiy International)
Michele Conforti; (film director)

This is the motivation of the jury:
THE BITTER TASTE OF TEA: a strong documentary that has a capacity to show with great
rigity and without hypocrisy the conditions in which workers of the tea plantations of Bangladesh
are being exploited. The film has an advantage of showing the real face of “fair” trade, where
everything just seems to be clear and ethical and in fact is not. In fact, these companies and
plantations are the places where, just like in “traditional trade”, people are exploited. The film talks
a dry, rigid language that makes it a reportage of a strong emotional impact.

4 Responses to “The Bitter Taste of Tea get’s special mention prize in Rome”

  1. [...] plantations often use heavy amounts of pesticides, putting workers at risk. The recent documentary “The Bitter Taste of Tea,” found that many workers aren’t given working  safety equipment and that they often experience [...]

  2. [...] large monocrops require heavy doses of chemical poisons. Kane points to the recent documentary The Bitter Taste of Tea, which shows tea-plantation workers routinely not getting ample access to protective gear while [...]

  3. [...] large monocrops require heavy doses of chemical poisons. Kane points to the recent documentary The Bitter Taste of Tea, which shows tea-plantation workers routinely not getting ample access to protective gear while [...]

  4. Sherri Tanenbaum says:

    I would like to purchase the film to add to my library collection. What is the price? What forms of payment do you accept?


    Sherri Tanenbaum
    Library Acquisitions
    California Institute of the Arts

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